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Girls Curriculum

A Semester includes 8 sessions and Graduation

Making Snap Judgements

First impressions can be misleading. When we are curious insead of making early judgements,  we stay open-minded to seeing the good in someone we don't know well.


The Language of Bullying

The terms, the roles in a bullying situation and deconstructing a bullying scenario. We discuss norms and beliefs that can contribute to poor behavior by a bully.

Healthy and Unhealthy Friendships

Differentiate healthy and unhealthy friendships, including cliques and spreading rumors.

What is Beautiful

There is more about beauty than what a girl looks like, or if she is popular.  We introduce self esteem. Girls identify positive attributes of a role model and consider attributes of a woman they look up to personally.

Taking Care of Yourself

What is a passion and how to use that interest to let go of stress that can build up at school.


Technology's impact on bullying is staggering. Girls learn to identify cyber-bullying behavior, to "take a stand" against this behavior, and agree on ways they will behave the right way online or on their mobile device.

Time to Share & Celebrate

Girls invite their parents or other role models to celebrate what they learned, the topic that most inspired them and what they’ll do to STEP UP in and outside of school to put their new learning into practice.

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